Why You Should not Read a Book and then See the Movie


Now days it is very popular to take books that are already written and turn them into movies, they do this probably because they are running out of ideas so overall it is not a bad thing. The problem with this only arises when people decide to read the book AND see the movie. This instantly sets one up for failure because depending on which you do first the story is already portrayed a certain way in your mind. This makes which ever one you do second seem wrong, even though they are pretty similar. Take Harry Potter for example, it is a great book and a great movie but every person who read the book first pointed out every single flaw in the two hour long movies furious that they missed one little detail. As someone who only saw the movie I felt more than satisfied with the amount of knowledge received from the movie. Generally the book is usually better but Hollywood has really stepped up their game in making the movie equally as good. This doesn’t mean don’t read books or don’t see any of these movies, it just means you should pick which one you are going to do right off the bat instead of setting yourself up for disappointment.


Image from: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/59/ef/cc/59efcc8d3fbb409207e74b0ca4f1bb5c.jpg

Things Bring Out the Child in Everyone


No matter how much people want to believe they are adults there will always be things that send us right back into our childish self. Number one being bubble wrap. It is physically impossible to resist the temptation. Number two: Disney movies. they made up almost every person in Americas childhood, and if you say you don’t watch them anymore would just be a lie and everyone would know it. Number three: Remote controlled cars. Once the adult has set it up for the child that they claimed to have bought it for, it is only natural to take it for a spin. Number Four: Mac and Cheese shapes. Personally I think they taste better than regular ones. If you ever find yourself eating them without a child near by it is still necessary to try and identify the shapes while enjoying your favorite childhood meal. Number five: Children’s pop up books. These things never get old, the new and crazy tricks these books have in store are interesting at all ages. Now I’m not saying everyone goes out and buys all this stuff as an adult, but if you happen to come across any of these things in your life I highly doubt you will turn any of them away.


Image from http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/71/58/67/715867ae1c3f91c1616eaa231999c0c4.jpg

Things the World Should forget Ever Happened


Sometimes in life events occur that are not for the best. I’m not talking about wars or famine or important things like that, those things we need to remember so they don’t happen again. These are things that everyone can just erase from their memory in order to live happier healthier lives.

Number 5: This one is debatable but I think the world of Harry Potter is a better place if we choose to ignore the death of Fred Weasley. All of the other deaths made some sort of sense in the long run, whether they needed to die or influenced the main characters in some way. The only thing that Fred’s death did was tare apart a great team.

Number 4:The Season Finally of “How I Met Your Mother“. The only part of that episode that should even exist is when he actually meets the mother. The rest of it is clustered and a real debby downer. It would have been much better if they showed him meeting the mother and let the rest of their future live be left up to our imaginations.

Number 3: The television show “Mystery Incorporated“. It took a classic television show that was near and dear to most peoples childhood and turned it into complete scum. It portrays Daphne into an obsessive love struck girl, turned Fred into an idiot, and created a romantic relationship between Velma and Shaggy that is not actually there.

Number 2: Super Bowl 48. This one is self explanatory for all football fans.

Number 1: Pluto being demoted as a planet. This was the science communities fault for even considering this change. Even though Pluto is small it can run with the big boys.


Image from http://global3.memecdn.com/silly-pluto_o_530922.jpg

Blenders The New Place on The Block



Blenders is a new smoothie store that opened up recently in August. The owner, Kieran McBride, worked at a smoothie store in Kansas City before setting up shop in Columbia. Since they are primarily a smoothie store they tend to do better when the weather is hot, but they do have drinks that will warm you up including hot cider. Even with the cold people still swing by for smoothies. Employee Alex Ravert said that “Most popular right now would probably be The Kings Peak.” And random pedestrian, Emily Russo, said, “My favorite smoothie I’d have to say is the Mama Mia!” Even a little snow can’t keep people away from a good smoothie.



Monster in the Ocean


This year the Discovery Channel premiered a documentary called Megalodon: The Monster that Lives (Discovery Channel). The word “monster” does not even begin to describe the horror that is the megalodon. The megalodon is considered one of the top predator of all time; even above the tyrannosaurus rex, who’s head could conveniently fit inside the mouth of this blood thirsty hunter (Discovery Channel). To break it into simple terms a this ocean beast is a super-sized great white shark. Now the problem with most books and several skeptics is that they conclude that the megalodon is an extinct prehistoric creature. This is why most people believe this creature is no longer a threat to our ocean because the dictionary defines extinct as “no longer existing”(Merriam-Webster). This could not be any further from the truth, when in actuality a substantial amount of evidence indicates that this nightmarish, haunting menace is alive today.


Image From http://bellobitesback.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/megalodon.jpg?w=538&h=330


Why We Should Be More Afraid of Bears than a Zombie Apocalypse


I have recently seen many new TV shows, movies, even books on the zombie apocalypse and some people are actually becoming scared of this possibility. First I would like to point out that if a zombie out break did occur chances are that our government would quickly contain it in order to avoid a nation wide panic. Our military would also be more than capable of taking care of any zombie attack. There would also be a surplus of tax dollars committed to putting a stop to the cause, which would make it easier to find a cure. So people need to stop worrying about zombies and can start fearing threatening things that actually exist like bears. Bears, like zombies, also will eat people without a second thought the only difference is bears can run faster, are stronger, and have giant razor sharp claws. Next time your watching a scary zombie movie think about how much easier it would be to fight off a pack of zombies instead of a pack of bears.


This picture is from http://cdn.failnation.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/bear.jpg

The Worst Ages


There are two terrible age phases that people go through in life when the rest of the world will find you almost unbearable. However, if you are aware of them then you can lessen the negative effect you have on society. The first one is 9-11 year old children. This is a transition phase between kids being adorable and more mature pre teens. The problem is they think they are still cute when they are really not or they think they are old enough to partake in grown up conversations. The start for this age varies between kids but it is always the same. A problem with them still thinking they are cute is old people encourages it because to them they still are. This brings me to the second worst age group 60 year olds (sometimes 50). This is after they had a mid life crisis but they are not used to being old yet. Old people can be cute so unlike the child phase you go from being mature to being cute. This does not geranty that you won’t be annoying at other ages these ages are just hieghtoned.



Picture from http://www.viraljive.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Old-Lady-in-a-Ball-Pit.jpg

How to Tell if the Person You are Dating Is Too Young


As soon as two people are over the age of 18 they are legally allowed to date anyone else over the age of 18. However there are some signs that the person you are dating may still be too young for you. First: If you start singing “Well this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside-down.” and they cannot finish the rest, then throw that little guppy back into the fish pool. Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s theme song is a classic. Second: If they still refer to their butt as a “bottom”, then they need to be moved to your bottom choice. Third: If they go to a bar and order a soda, with no intention of sober driving or were a recovered alcoholic, not a grownup. Fourth: If they still go as a princess for Halloween. Fifth: If you could easily be mistaken as your dates grandparent. It is not a scientific list, so if it works out and these signs are present then all the more to you; but if not, you were warned.



Picture from http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=too+young+meme&qs=AS&sk=&FORM=QBIR&pq=too%20young%20me&sc=8-12&sp=1&qs=AS&sk=#view=detail&id=53F41589629C46603185B9B95601EA8157539DFC&selectedIndex=30

The Positives and Negatives of having a T-Rex as a Pet


Initially the idea of having a T-Rex as a pet sounds incredibly awesome, especially if you saw Meet the Robinsons. First off no one would ever try and get on your bad side, people would be preeminently sucking up to you. This also makes you bear proof every time you go camping in the wild. Another perk is his tail would make one of the greatest slides of all time. If that does not entertain you then you can amuse yourself by watching your pet use its tiny hands to preform seemingly easy tasks, like making a bed. However as great as this all sounds there are some negatives. In order to keep your T-Rex happy it needs to be feed and accumulating that much food can be difficult. Not to mention you would have to find a place to dispose of its…end product. This is all assuming that the government does not confiscate your pet for their own selfish military or experimental desires. If you somehow manage to get past all three of these problems one other minor issue I feel obligated to mention is that it is a viscous carnivore and it will eat you.



Picture from http://cl.jroo.me/z3/k/4/o/e/a.baa-Imagine-T-Rex-making-a-bed.jpg

Manliest Sports


In todays world almost any physical activity can qualify as a sport. The term has become very generic and gets thrown around often, even activities like ping pong are classified as an olympic sport. While I’m sure all of these sports are challenging, require technique and skill, not all of them are manly. I have taken the time to compile a well thought out list of the manliest sports of today.

1. Hockey

2. Rugby

3. Football

4. Wrestling

5. Boxing

6. Lacrosse

7. Motorcycle racing

8. Dodgeball

9. Biathlon

10. Soccer



Picture from http://www.funnymemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Funny-memes-every-sport-ever.jpg